Jumat, 27 Februari 2009

The safety of razor scooter

razor scooters are an incredibly fun board to ride. You can ride them on the street or on ramps. You can do some awesome tricks, and ride them for a long time. One thing that will keep you riding your scooter longer is being safe when you are riding. If you are wearing protective gear and fall, most of the time you can get right back up on your scooter and keep riding. If you are not wearing protective gear and fall, most of the time you will get seriously injured and have to stop riding. Scooters come equipped with adjustments and different style boards for all riders that if used correctly can help keep you safe on the scooter. And always remember to take it slow when learning new things on the scooter. Do not try a trick that is way out of your skill level. Work up to the tough tricks by learning the easy tricks first.
It is important to always wear a helmet when riding your scooter. A helmet is the most important protective gear to wear. If you injure your head it could be very serious. It is usually much more serious then if you injure an arm or leg, and wearing a helmet will minimize the injury tremendously. It is also good to wear pads for your knees, elbows and wrists. I think that knee pads are always good to wear, but when you are trying new tricks or something you are not comfortable with you should put on all the pads to ride.
Scooters, like the A series from Razor, come in different sizes for different riders. It is important to ride a razor scooter that fits you well. You will be more comfortable therefore keeping you safer as you ride. Try the A1 you are a younger rider, and as you get older try riding the A2, A3 and Pro models. All of these scooters also have adjustable handlebars. This is important because the handlebars are a big part of riding the scooter and the safety of the scooter. Make sure the handlebars are set comfortable height for you. This will help keep you safe as well as make the scooter easier to ride, also making tricks easy to learn and do.
When learning new tricks on your razor scooter it is important to take it slow. Do not go out on your first day and try to bust out a back flip on a ramp. Start with simple tricks and as you get comfortable try tricks that are a little harder. A lot of people get injured on their scooters because they want to bust out some tricks that are beyond their skill level.
So remember to always wear a helmet and pads when riding. Determine the razor scooter that fits you best and make sure the adjustable handle bars are set correctly for your size. Everything should feel comfortable when riding. Once you feel comfortable and want to learn tricks, remember to take it slow and learn one at a time and do not get to far ahead of yourself. But most importantly have fun.
A very popular scooter is the Razor Scooter Razor also makes the Ripstick which is similar to the Wave Board All these boards are great fun to ride, but remember to be safe

Jumping Techniques for Your Scooter

When you are riding your Razor scooter there are tons of fun things you can do. You can race, or cruise, do tricks, ride ramps and you can jump. Jumping on your razor scooter can be dangerous so make sure that you wear the right protective gear when trying jumps. There are also tons of different was you can jump. You can ollie, which is just jumping off the ground. You can jump off curbs or ledges, commonly called an acid drop. The best type of jumping is gaining speed on your razor scooter and launching off a jump or ramp. You can build your own jump or razor scooter has a ramp that could be used to jump off of that you can buy.
Before we talk about jumping and building jumps we need to talk about the landing. The landing is the most important part of the jump. Why? Because it is most likely on the landing that you can injure yourself, but not just that the landing is where you get all the style points for the jump. If you land badly the reaction from the on viewers is not that great, but if you stick the landing then you make the whole jump look smooth and awesome. One of the best ways to land is to have a ramp on the other side to land on. This way the momentum of the down angle will help you land smoother. Make sure this ramp is very wide and not too steep so you have a large landing space. If you are going to land on the ground make sure to bend your knees on the landing to absorb the impact in your legs. This well help you land smoother and safer.
Lets move on to building a jump or buying a jump. Building a jump can be tricky. You want the bottom of the jump to be as flush with the ground as possible. For this you can use a thin pliable piece of metal, that way when you ride your scooter onto the jump your wheel will not have to go over a little lip. Plus the metal will protect the lip from any rain or water and help the jump to last longer. Do not build the jump too high to start. I think anywhere from 8 to 12 inches is a good place to start jumping. This way you can practice, but have tons of fun doing it. Plus when you jump off an 8 to 12 inch jump you do not need a ton of speed so you can enjoy the jump right in your driveway. Do not make the jump to long because you want a good launch, but do not make it extremely steep either because then you cannot prepare for the jump that well. Make sure you reinforce the middle of the jump if needed. If it bows down when riding over it nail piece of wood underneath to support the middle. And lastly you can use any type of wood to build the jump.
If you do not want to build a jump, Razor has a solution for you. They have built a ramp/jump that will be perfect for you. It is made out of plastic and is very flush with the ground. It is a soft plastic so you will not get hurt as bad if you fall on it. They also have a rail that fits perfectly with the ramp if you want to try rail sliding. Always use the same safety precautions whether you are jumping off a home made jump or a store bought jump. Jumping can be dangerous so I will say again to always wear a helmet and protective gear, and have fun.
Pro Razor Scooters are the best for jumping. They are made to handle extreme use. Jumping can be dangerous so always remember to ride safe and always wear a helmet no matter if you ride scooters, skateboards or anything.

Senin, 23 Februari 2009

Do Not Injure Yourself on a Scooter

Do Not Injure Yourself on a Scooter

Scooters are an incredibly fun board to ride. You can ride them on the street or on ramps. You can do some awesome tricks, and ride them for a long time. One thing that will keep you riding your scooter longer is being safe when you are riding. If you are wearing protective gear and fall, most of the time you can get right back up on your scooter and keep riding. If you are not wearing protective gear and fall, most of the time you will get seriously injured and have to stop riding. Scooters come equipped with adjustments and different style boards for all riders that if used correctly can help keep you safe on the scooter. And always remember to take it slow when learning new things on the scooter. Do not try a trick that is way out of your skill level. Work up to the tough tricks by learning the easy tricks first.

It is important to always wear a helmet when riding your scooter. A helmet is the most important protective gear to wear. If you injure your head it could be very serious. It is usually much more serious then if you injure an arm or leg, and wearing a helmet will minimize the injury tremendously. It is also good to wear pads for your knees, elbows and wrists. I think that knee pads are always good to wear, but when you are trying new tricks or something you are not comfortable with you should put on all the pads to ride.

Scooters, like the A series from Razor, come in different sizes for different riders. It is important to ride a scooter that fits you well. You will be more comfortable therefore keeping you safer as you ride. Try the A1 you are a younger rider, and as you get older try riding the A2, A3 and Pro models. All of these scooters also have adjustable handlebars. This is important because the handlebars are a big part of riding the scooter and the safety of the scooter. Make sure the handlebars are set comfortable height for you. This will help keep you safe as well as make the scooter easier to ride, also making tricks easy to learn and do.

When learning new tricks on your scooter it is important to take it slow. Do not go out on your first day and try to bust out a back flip on a ramp. Start with simple tricks and as you get comfortable try tricks that are a little harder. A lot of people get injured on their scooters because they want to bust out some tricks that are beyond their skill level.

So remember to always wear a helmet and pads when riding. Determine the scooter that fits you best and make sure the adjustable handle bars are set correctly for your size. Everything should feel comfortable when riding. Once you feel comfortable and want to learn tricks, remember to take it slow and learn one at a time and do not get to far ahead of yourself. But most importantly have fun.

How to make your razor scooter faster

Both the electric scooter line and the kick scooter line from Razor can reach some pretty good speeds. There are a lot of ways to keep your scooter riding faster for longer. Your scooter can have a very long life if you take care of it well. The kick scooters will continue to ride smooth and fast, and the electric scooters will last longer and travel faster and farther if you keep good care of it.

If you own a kick scooter you probably know by now that they can really take a beating by all the riding. If you try tricks then your scooter even takes more of a beating. The more wear and tear on your scooter the shorter the life it will have and the slower it will ride. One of the first things you can do if you feel your scooter is traveling slowly is to change the wheels and bearings. I know this sounds simple but new wheels can really help improve the speed of your scooter. You can also practice new riding techniques. Keep your body in tight to the scooter to reduce the wind resistance. Make sure that you always store your scooter inside a garage or house. This will help the scooter last much longer. If your scooter gets rained on or left out in the cold it could affect the smoothness of the overall ride. You do not want mud or rust to get into the main steering or wheel components.

If you own an electric scooter you know that there are many more things that can go wrong with the electric scooter to hinder the performance. That is why the way you care for your electric scooter is more important then even the way you care for a kick scooter. First always store your scooter indoors. You never want an electric scooter left outside because if rain gets into the battery or wires it could be very bad. Any type of physical damage has the potential to slow your scooter down. Caring for your battery is very important as well. It is a good practice to ride your scooter until the battery runs completely out. Then recharge the battery 100% before riding again. This will prolong the life of your electric scooter and therefore keep you riding faster for longer. If your scooter gets real dirty especially by the mechanics of it then before you are done just wipe of the dirt. When the mud or dirt dries up it can become dusty and get into the small parts of your motor more easily so clean your scooter if it gets muddy. In order to ride faster always make sure that your wheels are okay and if they need replacing then replace them.

Now that you have kept your scooter in good shape you want to actually jump on it and ride faster. Some good techniques for riding faster are keep your body in close and tight to the scooter to reduce the wind drag. Try to ride on the smoothest path, and obviously riding downhill will always improve your speed. Remember to always be safe and have fun riding fast on your razor scooter.

Learn Trick Ideas and Tips for You Razor Scooter

Learn Trick Ideas and Tips for You Razor Scooter

. You can always try learning by yourself but often times it helps a lot to get tips from someone else.
Next is practicing the trick. When you are practicing always wear plenty of protective gear, because chances are you will fall, a lot. If you are embarrassed to wear pads then practice with your pads on by yourself. If you fall with pads on you can always get back up and keep riding. Just do not ever ride without your helmet on no matter where you are riding. Most likely you are not going to make a living riding scooters so you are going to need that brain. Practice by taking the trick one step at a time. Do not worry about it looking good, just keep practicing until you get comfortable doing the trick.
As you are practicing and doing the tricks you need to remember a few things about launching and landing the trick. When launching the trick comfort is the most important. Make sure you are riding smoothly and focus on the trick. If you are approaching the launch but do not feel right do not try it that time and get set up again to try the trick. When landing the trick always make sure you land in motion. That means that you want to continue riding the scooter just like you were before you did the trick. If you are jumping then remember to bend your knees to absorb the landing and always center your body over the scooter to land so that the scooter does not shoot out from underneath you.
Lastly, the most important aspect for looking good when busting out a razor scooter trick is style. Style means that you make the trick look smooth and easy to do. This takes a lot of practice so that doing the trick becomes second nature. You have landed the trick so many times it just because natural to do. One good way to do this is make the trick harder to do. For instance if you want to make your tail whip look smooth, then try learning a double tail whip. Once you learn the double tail whip, go back to the tail whip and it will seem much easier and you will probably look way better doing it. If you do not feel comfortable with the double, keep practicing it but now you can bust out your single tail whips at the skate park with style.
Keep practicing your razor kick scooter tricks and have fun.