Rabu, 18 Februari 2009

Razor scooter

an extreme sport of there own. Inventive new tricks, crazy stunts, and high speeds are the stuff you now see from scooter riders. No longer just a toy to cruise on the sidewalk, but scooter riding is an extreme sport.

If you are into cruising and riding hills and sidewalks then razor also has a board built for that. It is called the Cruiser. The Cruiser is built for just that, cruising. It is designed with a wider deck and larger wheels for a smoother more comfortable ride. Rocks or cracks in the pavement will not matter one bit because the cruiser will roll right over then and you will hardly feel them. You do not need to worry about hitting a rock in the street when you are cruising at high speeds down the hills.

The Carvr is a scooter with two small wheels and a truck in place of the normal single back wheel. This design makes it easy to balance and ride wherever you want. It has a large wheel much like the Cruiser in the front so that the ride is nice and smooth.

The Kiddie Scooters are just that, scooters for the kids. They are built small and with safety in mind. Made out of plastic they are for very young boys and girls that want to get an early jump on scooter riding.

Senin, 16 Februari 2009

Razor Scooter Trick Tips

There are tons of sweet tricks you can bust out on a razor scooter. Here I will share with you the basics of doing any trick. A few things to keep in mind when you are learning a trick, practicing a trick, launching a trick, landing a trick and the most important STYLE. A lot of people can do tricks on their scooters, but the key is to be able to make it look easy when you do it, that is style.
First is learning a trick. The best way to learn is by watching other people. If you have a friend that can do it just ask how they do the trick and start practicing yourself. If no one you know can do the trick head to the skate park or look it up on youtube to see if anyone is doing the trick you want to learn. You can always try learning by yourself but often times it helps a lot to get tips from someone else.
Next is practicing the trick. When you are practicing always wear plenty of protective gear, because chances are you will fall, a lot. If you are embarrassed to wear pads then practice with your pads on by yourself. If you fall with pads on you can always get back up and keep riding. Just do not ever ride without your helmet on no matter where you are riding. Most likely you are not going to make a living riding scooters so you are going to need that brain. Practice by taking the trick one step at a time. Do not worry about it looking good, just keep practicing until you get comfortable doing the trick.
As you are practicing and doing the tricks you need to remember a few things about launching and landing the trick. When launching the trick comfort is the most important. Make sure you are riding smoothly and focus on the trick. If you are approaching the launch but do not feel right do not try it that time and get set up again to try the trick. When landing the trick always make sure you land in motion. That means that you want to continue riding the scooter just like you were before you did the trick. If you are jumping then remember to bend your knees to absorb the landing and always center your body over the scooter to land so that the scooter does not shoot out from underneath you.
Lastly, the most important aspect for looking good when busting out a razor scooter trick is style. Style means that you make the trick look smooth and easy to do. This takes a lot of practice so that doing the trick becomes second nature. You have landed the trick so many times it just because natural to do. One good way to do this is make the trick harder to do. For instance if you want to make your tail whip look smooth, then try learning a double tail whip. Once you learn the double tail whip, go back to the tail whip and it will seem much easier and you will probably look way better doing it. If you do not feel comfortable with the double, keep practicing it but now you can bust out your single tail whips at the skate park with style.
Keep practicing your razor kick scooter tricks and have fun.
Josh has been riding the Razor Scooter for many years now. Scooters are an incredibly fun toy to ride. Razor also makes a very cool board that is called the Ripstic

The History Of Razor Scooters

the history of the
razor scooter is quite interesting. Since kids have great imaginations that are uninhibited by doubt, they can create just about anything to keep themselves occupied with fun. The first razor scooters were invented by taking roller skate wheels and attaching them to a small plank of wood. A handle was constructed with a 2x4 and possibly the handlebars were made from splitting the 2x4 or a piece of pipe was strapped to the top of the board for handlebars, crude as it was, razor scooter still worked and got kids to places that made walking seem obsolete.Some of the earliest models of razor scooters inspired the newer generation you see today. Razor scooter took about 100 years for the idea to catch back on because many other modes of self transportation received more public demand. The bicycle was vamped up to meet the needs of kids and adults, skateboards became more popular and kick scooters sort of lost their place in history. It wasn't until 1990 that Wim Ouboter saw a need for a push scooter because one of his sister's legs was shorter than the other. She had trouble riding a bike but she could push a scooter, he took the original idea and created a sturdier version.Since wood scooters couldn't stand up to weather, they would rot or the metal skate wheels would rust, an aluminum version was introduced by Razor. If you ask somebody to say the first word that comes to mind when you mention the word scooter, Razor is most likely to be the one they say. Razor revolutionized the push scooter and gave it more stability and style. They didn't just stick with one version of their widely popular toy; they manufactured them in colors and even created ones that adults can ride. Some Razor scooters have three wheels so once you get going you can ride with both feet on the back and steer around objects with more control. It also helps with balance.The aluminum scooters of today are virtually quiet. They have polyurethane wheels and the only sound you might hear are the screams of fun or wind resistance from your clothing unlike the metal wheels of yesteryear. Razor scooter have a hollow tube for the steering shaft and soft handle grips to keep the riders hands from slipping off. Many of them fold up and can be placed in a backpack for safe keeping. They don't take up as much space as a bicycle and if you have to take yours with you it doesn't invade anybody else's space either.You might still see a big wheel for sale at a mass retailer, they are still around and letting kids grow into new ways of transporting themselves is always fun. I remember riding my big wheel down the middle of the street. My plastic wheels made so much noise I never heard a car behind me, every now and then somebody would honk and that was a great indication to move aside, they did have a bigger bumper than I did. Toys like that were fun to have and distant memories are all we have since you don't see commercials for big wheels much any more, safety is key for parents. That's why push scooters are becoming more popular, the child is upright, they are controlling the steering and the toy is very quiet. You still need to be cautious because we live in a society where people are always rushing around and personal safety needs to be exercised.A razor scooter can also be ridden in the house, unlike a bicycle. When it gets cold and the kids get stir crazy you can pull the car out of the garage and give them a little more room to scoot around. Razor has recognized the market for kick scooters and is making them available to those who want to do tricks on them. You can do the same amount of tricks on a Razor scooter that you can on a skateboard. I don't know if kick scooters will make an appearance at the X Games anytime soon but they are fast becoming a new tool for professional skaters.